boom, headshotHello / Blog / Recruiters.

“Look man, I know theres a lot of misleading and shit recruiters out there, so maybe you’ve had some bad experiences. I’m a straight shooter, I’m transparent and give you the details and let you make the decision for yourself. I know other recruiters, there mostly out for a quick buck. Not to sound arrogant, but I already make a good amount of money on reoccuring revenue, whether I make my commission off you or not really doesn’t affect whether I eat at the end of the day. “

Some recruiter thought this was an appropriate response to “I’m not interested in your services, thanks”. The incredible arrogance of this whole statement (not the full email, the rest was just “don’t let life pass you by”) tells me two things. One, this guy hears “no” a lot. Two, it works occasionally! New grads, younger guys & gals like myself, maybe even older guys who think they’re hip.

The implication that I have a burning desire to deny him a commission is both incorrect and incredibly insulting to his current client base. Whether he eats or not is his business, I just have no use for his venerable list of “exclusive” contracts.

What bothers me the most is the notion that I have a problem he can solve. If I were actively looking for a new job he may be on to something, but I like my job. It might not be THE job, but it’s working for me right now. There are dozens of recruiting companies in Edmonton and probably double that in Calgary, and every one of my developer acquaintences knows they exist. We know what you do and what game you’re playing, we even know the script. Your only selling feature is that you’re a gate keeper for all the really cool contracts that you think all the nerds are going to lose their shit over. What nobody told you is that you’re a dinosaur, holding the dusty old business cards of some middle managers from some of the biggest local companies in Alberta. Sure, there are probably some people who would kill to work those contracts, but that’s not me. Those companies don’t make a difference, the only important thing they’re doing is making their shareholders slightly more rich. Companies like that are only interested in maintaining the status quo, developing software to support their legacy systems, than anything else. Sorry, enterprise. Your jobs are boring, needlessly beaurocratic and generally undesirable.

I honestly don’t know how you could be proud to say “I work for Imperial Oil” or “I’m with ATCO now”, or any of the big companies that operate out of Alberta. Our economy exists for the sole purpose of sucking oil out of the ground by any and all means necessary and as a web developer my job would be to spin the bullshit. It’s bad enough being a contractor for these companies, but actually being an employee? I’d have to completely sell out.

Update: he responds to my second “no thanks”. Lets not forget this man is a Vice President with his company. That’s the title they gave him anyways, people want to feel like they’re talking to someone important so you’re always talking to a Senior, VP, President, or Executive of some kind.

“I probably wouldn’t have much for you anyways, after checking out some of your work samples on your website.”

I know, I’ll look at my mark’s website after he turns me down and subtly imply that he isn’t good enough for my clients. Genius! Turns out the contract he was thinking of passing my way is either a) completely made up or b) something I would have said no to anyways. Good luck with the next sucker, bro.

Despite this, I know there are some good recruiters out there. I have yet to meet any, but my friends assure me they’re out there.. somewhere.